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TMJ Clinic in Eagle, Idaho


TMJ Treatment in Eagle, Idaho

Are you frequently bothered by unexplained jaw pain and a continual clicking or popping sound emanating from your jaw? There is a reason for your mysterious ailment; you may have a TMJ condition. Our amazing staff at our TMJ clinic in Idaho is ready to help you; we offer customizable TMJ disorder treatment for all of our patients. Book an appointment to speak with our TMJ dentist in Eagle, Idaho, today!

The Temporomandibular Joint, or TMJ, connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull. Speaking, eating, and other activities all require the jaw's ability to move up, down, and side to side. It is located in front of the ears on either side of the head.

Numerous conditions that affect the TMJ and the ligaments and muscles that control the jaw are referred to as "temporomandibular joint dysfunction" (TMD). One of the typical signs of TMD is a popping or clicking sound when the jaw moves, as well as pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, neck, and shoulders.

Anyone can acquire TMJ, including young children, newborns, and the elderly. Some environments and demographics are more likely to experience TMJ than others:

  • It's more likely to happen before the age of 50 for guys. 
  • After the age of 50, it affects both men and women. 
  • As people get older, it is more likely to develop.

The exact cause of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is unknown, but there are a number of contributing variables, including:

  • Jaw trauma: Trauma to the jaw, such as a fracture or dislocation, can cause TMD.
  • Arthritis: The TMJ can be injured and inflamed by rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other forms of arthritis.
  • Teeth grinding: The condition known as bruxism, which is the habit of grinding or clenching one's teeth, can put undue strain on the TMJ and lead to TMD.
  • Stress and anxiety: These emotions can cause someone to clench or grind their teeth, which can lead to TMD.
  • Due to the jaw being in an abnormal position from poor posture, TMD can be brought on, and the TMJ can be stressed.
  • Malocclusion (bad bite): When the teeth or jaw are out of alignment, the jaw is compelled to assume an unnatural position, which puts stress on the TMJ and results in TMD.
  • Aging: TMD may arise from the deterioration of the discs that cushion the joint with age.

It's important to keep in mind that TMD can also be caused by a combination of these problems and that it might be difficult to identify the exact cause. If you are seeking TMJ treatment in Eagle, Idaho, because you have persistent pain or discomfort in your jaw, face, or neck, difficulty opening your mouth, or a popping or clicking sound when you move your jaw, then come into our TMJ clinic in Eagle, Idaho and let’s discuss your jaw pain treatment.

Although the signs and symptoms of the temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) might vary, they frequently include the following:

  • Tenderness or pain in the face, jaw, neck, or shoulders.
  • Difficulty opening the mouth or a restricted jaw range of action.
  • The clicking or popping sound the jaw makes.
  • A jaw that is locked, making it impossible for the mouth to open or close completely.
  • Frequent headaches or migraines.
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears);
  • Dizziness.
  • Pain or pressure in the ears.
  • A tingling or pain in the face.

A healthcare provider should establish an appropriate diagnosis because other conditions may cause the same symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms, it's critical to visit our TMJ center and TMJ dentist Eagle, Idaho examine you to determine the underlying problem and the best course of treatment.

Treatment for TMJ in Eagle, Idaho

Treatment options for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) might vary depending on the underlying cause and the severity of the symptoms. Come in for TMJ treatment in Eagle. Common Treatment methods include:

  • Self-care TMJ symptoms treatment: Jaw exercises, cold or heat given to the jaw, and a soft diet can all help to lessen discomfort and improve jaw function.
  • Medication: Pain and inflammation can be reduced with over-the-counter analgesics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. To treat muscle spasms, your doctor may occasionally suggest a tricyclic antidepressant or a muscle relaxant. 
  • Physical therapy: TMJ physical therapy can help to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the jaw, neck, and shoulders to improve jaw function and minimize pain.
  • Mouth guards or oral splints can be used to prevent teeth grinding and relieve the stress on the TMJ. When soft tissue in your head or neck, particularly those near your lips and jaw, pulls downward on your windpipe, obstructive sleep apnea results. The pressure on your windpipe can be relieved by using a special mouthpiece that helps hold your jaw and tongue in place. For patients who require them, dentists and sleep medicine experts routinely collaborate.
  • Injections: To treat TMJ pain and inflammation, corticosteroids or other medications may be injected.
  • Surgery: TMJ replacement or repair surgery may be necessary in a limited number of cases. Blockages in the nose, throat, and windpipe can be avoided through TMJ pain treatment surgery on the mouth, nose, and throat. The effect on adults, however, varies from person to person and is frequently insignificant.

It's important to keep in mind that the best TMD treatment will depend on the underlying cause and severity of symptoms and that it could be essential to tailor care for each case individually. Speak with our healthcare professional at The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ for guidance on the best TMJ therapy for you.

Untreated TMJ Disorder

If untreated, temporomandibular joint disease (TMD) has a number of negative effects. Untreated TMJ may result in a variety of deleterious consequences, including:

  • Chronic pain: People with TMD may experience persistent pain in their shoulders, necks, jaws, and faces, which can lower their quality of life.
  • Limited jaw function: TMD can cause a jaw that is locked or has a limited range of motion, which can make it difficult to speak, eat, and perform other functions.
  • Teeth grinding: TMD can cause or make teeth grinding worse, which can be bad for the teeth, TMJ, and jaw.
  • Headaches and migraines: TMD can cause headaches and migraines, which can interfere with everyday activities and result in chronic pain.
  • Ear problems: TMD can cause ringing, pain, or hearing problems.
  • Sleep apnea: TMD can result in an obstruction of the airway and sleep apnea, a condition in which a person's breathing is regularly disturbed while they are asleep.

Facial Numbness or Pain

Remember that the best course of action for TMD therapy will depend on the underlying reason and the severity of the symptoms. Treatment for TMD may need to be customized for each instance. To choose the strategy that will work best for you, speak with a healthcare professional.

It's important to keep in mind that many different things might cause TMJ and that it might be difficult to determine the precise cause. Seek medical treatment if you have persistent pain or discomfort in your jaw, face, or neck, difficulty opening your mouth, or a popping or clicking sound when you move your jaw. With early diagnosis and treatment, these disadvantages can be avoided, and overall quality of life can be raised. TMJ can be debilitating. Come in and speak with our TMJ doctor in Eagle, Idaho about your TMJ disorder treatment options. Don’t delay getting the TMJ treatment you need at our TMJ treatment center.

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