Are you frequently bothered by unexplained jaw pain and a continual clicking or popping sound emanating from your jaw? There is a reason for your mysterious ailment; you may have a TMJ condition. Our amazing staff at our TMJ clinic in Idaho is ready to help you; we offer customizable TMJ disorder treatment for all of our patients. Book an appointment to speak with our TMJ dentist in Eagle, Idaho, today!
The Temporomandibular Joint, or TMJ, connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull. Speaking, eating, and other activities all require the jaw's ability to move up, down, and side to side. It is located in front of the ears on either side of the head.
Numerous conditions that affect the TMJ and the ligaments and muscles that control the jaw are referred to as "temporomandibular joint dysfunction" (TMD). One of the typical signs of TMD is a popping or clicking sound when the jaw moves, as well as pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, neck, and shoulders.
Anyone can acquire TMJ, including young children, newborns, and the elderly. Some environments and demographics are more likely to experience TMJ than others:
The exact cause of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is unknown, but there are a number of contributing variables, including:
It's important to keep in mind that TMD can also be caused by a combination of these problems and that it might be difficult to identify the exact cause. If you are seeking TMJ treatment in Eagle, Idaho, because you have persistent pain or discomfort in your jaw, face, or neck, difficulty opening your mouth, or a popping or clicking sound when you move your jaw, then come into our TMJ clinic in Eagle, Idaho and let’s discuss your jaw pain treatment.
Although the signs and symptoms of the temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) might vary, they frequently include the following:
A healthcare provider should establish an appropriate diagnosis because other conditions may cause the same symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms, it's critical to visit our TMJ center and TMJ dentist Eagle, Idaho examine you to determine the underlying problem and the best course of treatment.
Treatment options for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) might vary depending on the underlying cause and the severity of the symptoms. Come in for TMJ treatment in Eagle. Common Treatment methods include:
It's important to keep in mind that the best TMD treatment will depend on the underlying cause and severity of symptoms and that it could be essential to tailor care for each case individually. Speak with our healthcare professional at The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ for guidance on the best TMJ therapy for you.
If untreated, temporomandibular joint disease (TMD) has a number of negative effects. Untreated TMJ may result in a variety of deleterious consequences, including:
Remember that the best course of action for TMD therapy will depend on the underlying reason and the severity of the symptoms. Treatment for TMD may need to be customized for each instance. To choose the strategy that will work best for you, speak with a healthcare professional.
It's important to keep in mind that many different things might cause TMJ and that it might be difficult to determine the precise cause. Seek medical treatment if you have persistent pain or discomfort in your jaw, face, or neck, difficulty opening your mouth, or a popping or clicking sound when you move your jaw. With early diagnosis and treatment, these disadvantages can be avoided, and overall quality of life can be raised. TMJ can be debilitating. Come in and speak with our TMJ doctor in Eagle, Idaho about your
TMJ disorder treatment options. Don’t delay getting the TMJ treatment you need at our TMJ treatment center.
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The Center for Sleep Apnea & TMJ
1718 S Millennium Way, Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 376-3600
Fax: (208) 376-3616
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The Center for Sleep Apnea & TMJ
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The Center for Sleep Apnea & TMJ