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TMJ Clinic in Nampa, Idaho


TMJ Treatment in Nampa, Idaho

Are you frequently bothered by unexplained jaw pain and a continual clicking or popping sound emanating from your jaw? There is a reason for your mysterious ailment; you may have a TMJ condition. You are welcome to visit our TMJ clinic in Idaho and speak with our TMJ dentist in Nampa, Idaho. About TMJ therapy options, schedule an appointment today!

The lower jaw's (mandible) joint with the skull is known as the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. The joint lets the jaw move up and down and side to side, which is required for speaking, eating, and other functions. It is situated on either side of the head in front of the ears.

The term "temporomandibular joint dysfunction" (TMD) refers to a number of ailments that impact the TMJ and the ligaments and muscles that regulate the jaw. A popping or clicking sound as the jaw moves is one of the common symptoms of TMD, as are discomfort and soreness in the jaw, face, neck, and shoulders.

From young toddlers and infants to the elderly, anyone can develop TMJ. TMJ is more common in some settings and demographics than in others:

  • Men and women after age 50.
  • It is more prone to develop as people age.
  • Being overweight or obese considerably increases the risk of contracting it.
  • It is more likely to affect those of Black, Hispanic, or Asian origin.

Although the precise origin of temporomandibular joint disease (TMD) is unknown, a number of factors, including:

  • Jaw trauma: TMD can be brought on by trauma to the jaw, such as a fracture or dislocation.
  • Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other types of arthritis can hurt and inflame the TMJ.
  • Teeth grinding: The habit of grinding or clenching one's teeth, known as bruxism, can impose undue strain on the TMJ and result in TMD.
  • Anxiety and stress: Anxiety and stress can make someone clench or grind their teeth, which can result in TMD.
  • Poor posture can put stress on the TMJ and induce TMD by causing the jaw to be in an abnormal position.
  • Malocclusion (poor bite): When the teeth or jaw are out of place, the jaw is forced into an unusual position, which strains the TMJ and causes TMD.
  • Aging: TMD may develop due to the discs that cushion the joint deteriorating with age.

It's crucial to remember that TMD can also result from a mix of these issues and that it can be challenging to pinpoint the root of the problem. Suppose you experience ongoing pain or discomfort in your jaw. In that case, face, or neck, trouble opening your mouth, or a popping or clicking sound when you move your jaw, get medical attention and get TMJ treatment in Nampa, Idaho, come into our TMJ clinic in Nampa. We’re here to help!

Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder in Nampa, Idaho

Depending on the underlying reason and the seriousness of the symptoms, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) might receive a variety of TMJ disorder treatments. Typical forms of treatment include:

  • Tenderness or pain in the shoulders, neck, face, or jaw.
  • A constrained jaw range of motion or trouble opening the mouth.
  • The sound the jaw makes when it opens or closes.
  • A locked jaw, which prevents the mouth from fully opening or closing.
  • Recurrent migraines or headaches.
  • Tinnitus (ear ringing); 
  • Lightheadedness.
  • Ear pressure, fullness, or pain.
  • Numbness or soreness in the face.

It's important to remember that other disorders might also cause the same symptoms, so a healthcare provider should make an accurate diagnosis. It's crucial to see a dentist if you experience any of these symptoms in order to identify the underlying issue and the best course of action, don’t delay coming to see our TMJ dentist Nampa for TMJ treatment in Nampa.

Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder in Nampa, Idaho

Depending on the underlying reason and the seriousness of the symptoms, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) might receive a variety of TMJ disorder treatments. Typical forms of treatment include:

  • Self-care techniques: A soft diet, ice or heat applied to the jaw, and jaw exercises can all assist in reducing pain and enhancing jaw function.
  • Medication: Over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help to lessen inflammation and pain. Your doctor could occasionally advise a tricyclic antidepressant or a muscle relaxant to treat muscle spasms.
  • TMJ physical therapy: To enhance jaw function and lessen pain, physical therapy can assist in stretching and strengthening the muscles of the jaw, neck, and shoulders.
  • Oral splints or mouth guards: These devices can be used to stop teeth grinding and lessen the strain on the TMJ. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when the soft tissue in your head or neck, especially around your mouth and jaw, pushes down on your windpipe. Special mouthpiece devices can help hold your jaw and tongue in place while relieving pressure on your windpipe. Speak to our dentist to see if TMJ syndrome treatment is right for you
  • Injections: Corticosteroids or other drugs may be injected to treat TMJ pain and inflammation.
  • Surgery: In a small percentage of instances, TMJ jaw pain treatment surgery may be required. Surgery on the nose, mouth, and throat helps prevent blockages in the nose, throat, and windpipe. However, the impact on adults is often negligible and varies from person to person.

Please note that the right TMD treatment will depend on the underlying reason and the degree of symptoms and that it may be necessary to customize care for each individual instance. For advice on the best course of action for you, speak with a healthcare expert.

Effect of Untreated Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) 

Untreated TMJ may have several negative effects, such as:

  • Chronic pain: TMJ can result in ongoing pain in the shoulders, neck, jaw, and face, which can reduce a person's quality of life.
  • Limited jaw function: TMD can result in a locked jaw or a jaw with a restricted range of motion, making it challenging to speak, eat, and carry out other tasks.
  • Teeth grinding: TMD can contribute to or aggravate teeth grinding, which can harm the jaw, TMJ, and teeth.
  • Migraines and headaches: TMD can result in migraines and headaches, which can impede daily activities and cause persistent pain.
  • Ear issues: TMD can result in ear pain, ringing, or hearing issues.
  • Sleep apnea: TMD can lead to airway blockage and sleep apnea, a disorder in which a person's breathing is frequently interrupted while they are asleep.
  • Numbness or discomfort in the face.

TMD can be brought on by a variety of events, and it may be challenging to pinpoint the exact cause. If you experience ongoing pain or discomfort in your jaw, face, or neck, trouble opening your mouth, or a popping or clicking sound when you move your jaw, get medical attention. These consequences can be avoided, and overall quality of life can be increased with early diagnosis and treatment. Book a consultation to come into our TMJ treatment center and speak to our TMJ doctor in Nampa. We will evaluate you and see what TMJ pain treatment option is right for you, we’re here to help you visit our TMJ center today!

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